donmentor wrote:
I understand that anyone can request an item be added to the minutes for discussion at the next meeting. How does one do this ? Who do we contact ?
The easiest way is via Twitter. It doesn't necessarily mean that the item is discussed at the next meeting, it might be answered in a few days. There will also be a SB stand at the Family Fun Day so you can meet and greet some of the members then.
It was envisaged that the meetings would be quarterly, they've been more frequent as there has been a lot to discuss (see the minutes!) hence if a question can be responded to sooner the SB will get the response. The SB is really about the long term strategy and helping shape that for mutual benefit. For instance discussion items last night included the vacancy for the Academy Manager, what has caused the state of the pitch, plans for the bowl and other sites that the club has. The answers to all these will be in the next minutes so read and digest when these are published!
Remember though that the MKDSA are a really good vehicle to use as they are in fairly constant communication with the club. Dons Action have good lines of communication as well.